Cats, persons, doggies and all manner of fauna! Flora, too? Why yes, Petunia.
NEW RELEASES, holy cows!
Idiom ROCK! (emphAsis, mine) by Nonuffya Bizznis And The Private Dancers is now available to stream on your favorite gizmos. Go forth and raw kit:
This is but one song from the lad’s latest complete ALBUM, No Rest For the Wee Kid, which you may find exclusively at the artiste’s own Bandcamp. Way to go, Nonuffya Bizznis, I can’t wait to hear the rest of it, and I LOVE this single! 12 new songs!? No rest indeed!
FAVES new single coming in one week! On a friend’s label, shared and co-foisted by this label, with a cool new video directed and produced by yet another Berkeley cat pal, and bears, oh my! Color us excited. We do love our FAVEs, and this one rocks the llama’s mittens.
Meeeeeee!! I released a new song earlier in the week, or was it last week? Does time wobble for you, these days? Oh my, it’s Daylight Notsavings Reverse Thrust Unnecessary Haha This Rubbish Again Day Time, but wheeeee! I digress.
THAT’S! NOT! WHAT! HE! SAID! Yes it is. No, it’s not. WABBIT SEASON! Fwaddap. Yes, I leaned in on my affection for Don Martin and Bugs Bunny among others, to express the unexpressible, in my latest single, That's Not What He Said. Play it, share it, marvel at its clarity. Shannon Wheeler, our stalwart epic in-house Bugs Bunny-er, is drawing a cover for streaming release for this song, and in the meantime, my handwritten lyrics, grace the Bandcamps, where they shall remain, no matter what.. he.. said.
Howie Klein, whose political blog Down With Tyranny I often read and do highly recommend, shared the aforementioned song/screed/observation at the conclusion of one of his recent posts, and in fact, it was at his request, that I uploaded the song to YouTube, thus making it easily embeddable in said blog. Thank you Howie, for this and for all your great work and vigilance.
What the heck hell haberdashery cuckooballoons, I don’t know, but here we go.
Thanks and Happy Caturday,
Eric Din
Here’s the cover art from Nonuffya Bizness, which you may click through to find streaming linkage: